Be a TRU member

How do you want to improve your trading today?

TRU connects and empowers online traders with community tools and resources
Have your back covered when escalating and resolving trading issues with TRU’s Dispute Resolution Support, a trader-oriented service for swift, effective, and equitable resolution of broker disputes.
A cartoon of two people who are solving a puzzle collaboratively representing the two-way dispute resolution support of TRU, with a stack of books and a plant beside them
A cartoon figure of people discussing and holding a pie chart and coins representing Profit-sharing
Receive a share in the annual profit of the organization through UnityGains, a TRU commitment to reward your contributions in a transparent and mutually enriching environment.
Together, we are
Traders Worldwide
Online Brokers
Traders United
Your Dispute, our dedication
File disputes and rest assured that the TRU Dispute Resolution System handles your claim fairly and efficiently. With dedicated support for your dispute, have peace of mind knowing you’re not alone in facing your broker issues.
A graphic showing a person analyzing a bar graph with a magnifying glass and another person working on a laptop, representing Dispute Resolution
An illustration of two people virtually discussing a trading chart, representing engaging online discussions on TRU online community
to succeed.
Stimulate thought-provoking exchanges with TRU Forum and General Discussion Board spaces. On CommuniTrade, you're not simply engaging; you're gaining reliable and valuable information for your trading needs.
Earn while
you’re at it.
Actively engage with the organization and be rewarded with monetary incentives through UnityGains. This visionary initiative guarantees that you - our valuable asset, are enjoying constant financial growth.
A cartoon of a credit card and coins, representing earning monetary incentives through active engagement with TRU
Informed and empowered traders
At TRU, you can access valuable insights and impartial broker ratings. More importantly, you can tap into the collective knowledge of online traders worldwide. All in one place.
A graphic showing two people discussing while inside of a computer, representing virtual interaction between online traders worldwide
An illustration of two people holding hands while treading upwards with a trading chart set in the background, representing the TRU movement of creating a better and safer trading world
the TRU Movement
This is not just an organization; it is a movement paving the way for a better environment for online traders everywhere.
You are TRU
Our services and initiatives are designed to bolster security and instill confidence in your trading journey.

TRU revolutionizes the online trading world, empowering every member and spurring them to success.
An image of a racially diverse set of people having fun together, representing the inclusive community of Traders United
Collaborate and succeed with 80 million traders worldwide
Engage and learn from people with the same goals as you — to earn and succeed in the financial market!
Comment in Forex Space Comment in Discussion Board Comment in Discussion Board Comment in Discussion Board Comment in Community Forum Comment in Community Forum
Comment in Communitrade
a better trading world, TOGETHER.
One trader can only do so much. But an entire community? The possibilities are endless.
A cartoon image of a person climbing an on an arrow, which is set on a pile of coins and leading on a light bulb, representing a trading empowerment, growth, and financial liberation.
An illustration of a person monitoring a trading chart on a smartphone with a protective shield to represent the protection and support provided by the Dispute Resolution Support
Tread Safely. Trade Securely.
70% of forex traders incur losses quarterly. With TRU's Dispute Resolution Support, you need not worry about becoming part of these statistics.

We guarantee to have your back, so you can trade without holding back.
Growth in Transparency
With an increasing number of TRU members, additional revenue streams come in – and you will always be in the loop of the progress. TRU is one of the few certainties in trading.

TRU is neither operated by any brokerage company nor created to extort money from brokerage companies to keep positive ratings and branding.
An image of a smartphone displaying a screen with TRU rewards and a badge, which will be distributed to active TRU members.
Be a TRU Member
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