Choose a plan that works best for you and your clients

Give your traders confidence with the right plan
How many traders would you like to enroll?

Designed for brands that want to provide essential support and resources for their traders.

Core Benefits
Basic promotional content and campaign on CommuniTrade and TradersUnited website
TRU DRS access for 50 enrolled traders
Level 3 DRS Priority Level
Standard TRU membership for 50 enrolled traders
For Your Traders
Full access to CommuniTrade
Independent and Automated Resolution with TRAVIS AI
Get a share up to 35% of company profit
Unlimited access to TradeGeek courses
Earn points and incentivize participation with TRU Rewards
10% Discount on all educational events and webinars

Suited for companies aiming for faster dispute resolution and offering enhanced trader benefits.

Core Benefits
More prominent promotional campaign placement on CommuniTrade and TradersUnited website
TRU DRS access for 50 enrolled traders
Level 2 DRS Priority
Prime TRU membership for 50 enrolled traders
For Your Traders
Everything in Standard, plus:
First-in-line admission to exclusive seminar/webinar events
2x TRU reward points
15% Discount on all educational events and webinars

Perfect for brokers or service providers managing high-volume disputes with top-tier support.

Core Benefits
Priority promotional campaigns and tailored brand visibility strategies across all TRU platforms
Customizable ad placements and monthly performance optimization consultations
TRU DRS access for 50 enrolled traders
Level 1 DRS Priority
Pro TRU membership for 50 enrolled traders
For Your Traders
Everything in Prime, plus:
Leader Access in CommuniTrade
3x TRU Reward points 
20% Discount on all educational events and webinars

Be the Broker Every Trader Trusts

Ready to provide fair, transparent, and quick dispute resolution to your traders?

Contact Us

Let's talk about how TRU can help.