Lesson 9: Why You Should Demo Trade First

Module 2: How Do You Trade Forex?
Date Published: April 09, 2024
Last Updated: August 06, 2024
4 Minutes
Lesson Overview
Why You Should Demo Trade First
A closeup image to traders' trading devices, which are tablet and computer


If you’re a new trader, you can easily enter the market; just look for a broker, and you’re ready! But one thing you must do is get the rookie mistakes out of your way. 

How can you do that?  

Demo trade your way to forex! Demo trading introduces you to the market using a simulated trading environment. With a demo account, you can experience the trading in the forex market without risking money.  

Lesson Highlight

  • Demo trading is a simulated environment that allows traders to participate in forex trading without trading actual money.
  • All beginner traders are advised to use a demo account before diving into live trading.
  • A demo account helps new traders develop discipline and control their emotions while trading.
  • Demo trading and paper trading are both forms of practice trading. However, the main difference lies in the accuracy of the market data provided. Essentially, the market environment used in paper trading usually doesn’t reflect the actual market.

What Is Demo Trading?

Using a demo account before diving into real trading is essential while learning the ropes of trading. It’s like mock trading, where you experience the game first-hand without spending any dime.

When you practice with a demo account, you can expect to hone these important trader traits: 

  1. Trading Discipline  
  2. Decisiveness
  3. Emotional Control 

If you’re an experienced trader, you can also maximize your demo account. Since the market is simulated, you’re up for a risk-free environment and free to try new things without risking money.  

However, it’s crucial to know that not every broker offers a demo trading service. If you’re new to trading, your utmost priority is looking for a platform with a demo account. 

How Does Demo Trading Work? 

A demo account has become a trend due to the influx of new traders. Brokerage companies and service providers noticed the trend, hence the offering of demo accounts on most trading platforms.  

A screenshot of showing a demo trading dashboard


Demo trading is marketed for traders who want to do the following: 

  1. Get to know the market before investing 
  2. Test a trading platform before opening an account 
  3. Practice trading systems in a risk-free environment 

But there is no risk of losing money, right? Well, that thinking makes demo traders set them up for failure.  

You see, demo traders neglect risk management when using demo accounts. You’ll be blinded by the risk-free environment and fail to practice the right exit points.  

What you should do is always treat demo trading as if your money is at stake.  

Paper Trading vs. Demo Trading 

Like demo trading, paper trading lets you practice buying and selling securities without risking your investment. However, paper trading is mostly used by experienced traders to try new trading strategies without putting them in the real market.  

In paper trading, you’re not getting the real market data. Most brokers have outdated data, while some use entirely fake data.  

Essentially, a demo account allows you to trade currencies through paper trading. But demo trading executes your trade through real and live market movement and situations.

Benefits of Demo Trading 

Practice trading is a safe haven for you to become accustomed to something—whether it's a market, a certain platform, or your new system and strategies.  

There are many benefits you can enjoy when using a demo account. Here are a few of them: 

1. Building Confidence 

Trading confidence is one way to navigate the forex market without fear and greed. Emotional trading is one aspect that you want to eliminate before you go live.  

With demo trading, you can familiarize yourself with the emotional pressure while you’re in the market. This is an effective way to check your emotions and find a way to manage them. 

Your confidence will also drive you to potential profitable opportunities and success. When using demo trading, you can hone your skills as much as you want without fearing financial ruin.  

As cliche as it sounds, you’ll learn from your mistakes here. Since this is a risk-free environment, you have all the opportunities to leverage your mistakes fully. You can refine your strategies and system by making all the mistakes you want.  

2. Knowing the Market Dynamics 

If you’re a beginner trader, you must be aware of how the market works. As you already know, financial markets are a complicated scene.  

The demo account is the perfect venue for this. You’re essentially using virtual money while integrating into the realistic trading environment.  

What’s great is that the simulation accurately shows you how the market behaves in response to market events and news. This way, you can see what will happen to your trade if the market moves.  

3. Practicing Trading Systems and Strategies 

It’s the golden rule of trading to have a polished system and strategies when you trade forex. Remember, you do it to gain profit and not to waste time.  

Demo trading can be your training ground to experiment, test, sharpen your trading system and strategy, and prepare you for the live trading scene.  

With a demo account, you can see how your strategy works on the market, with real and live conditions. 

4. Make a Trading Journal 

Recording your demo trading activities is essential to know your trading capabilities. It keeps you aware of your trading strategy's lapses, which is useful in assessing your future trades.  

Remember, your demo account is the best place to make mistakes because no investment is at risk. By tracking and learning from your mistakes, you’ll have valuable insights to improve and refine your trading skills.  

Okay, you’re now aware of demo trading and how it helps you avoid rookie mistakes. In the next lesson, you'll learn how to effectively use your skills and make money in the forex market.